Empty! Stop Your Second Guessing
“Then He said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”—John 20:27 (NIV)
Most know the story of Thomas. He was one of Jesus’ disciples, and possibly the most famous skeptic in all of history. One doesn’t have to be a scholar to know when a person is dead. Thomas was at the crucifixion. He saw what they did to Jesus. He saw Him bloodied and beaten—a far cry from the Jesus he knew. He saw the nails pounded into both His hands, He grimaced when the nail went through His feet. He saw Him stripped naked and heard Him cry out those seven times from the cross, with the last words, “Into Your hands I commit My Spirit.” He saw the head drop. He saw the life fade away. And He saw the staff pierce His side. Blood and water were the signs of death. It didn’t take a doctor to know Jesus was gone. It is no wonder that Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection.
What brought insult to injury was how the other ten could believe that He was alive. On the day when Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room, Thomas was absent. They kept going on about His appearing and speaking to them, and they weren’t alone. The women maintained that they had seen Jesus too. They were asking him to believe in their testimony, but he couldn’t. There was just too much evidence to the contrary. The only way that he would believe is if he saw Jesus himself. If he could put his fingers in the nail holes, and in His side, he would believe.
God is not afraid of our fears and doubts, provided that our fears and doubts are means of understanding and growing in faith. There are some who doubt, but not because they are generally seeking to understand, but rather they are seeking an opportunity to sin. Not Thomas. His doubt was sincere and his challenge was real.
Days passed and the disciples and women maintained their testimony to Jesus’ resurrection, much to Thomas’ frustration. Nevertheless, he loved them and stayed with them. They were back in the upper room, with the doors locked again, when Jesus came and stood among them saying, “Peace be with you.” The thoughts swirled in Thomas’ mind—who is this? Jesus couldn’t be alive…could He?” And then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” He graciously offered His hands and side to him for his inspection, and for Thomas, it was enough. Jesus was right in front of him and alive! He exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus then said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen Me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”—John 20:29.
Jesus’ resurrection puts a stop to all of our second-guessing. He rose from the dead so that we might have hope and life both in this life (John 10:10), and in the one to come (1 Corinthians 15:8). May our doubts melt like the snow in summer and may our hearts be established and strengthened like the majestic mountains. May our doubts flee away and may we become bold witnesses to the wondrous name of our great God. Amen.
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