The Weapons of Warfare

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”—2 Corinthians 10:4

We are in a war. As soon as God saved us, He placed us in His army. The battle between God and Satan has been going on since before the Garden of Eden. It is the very definition of good vs. evil. At the end of time, God will be victorious, but presently His rule has not been completely actualized. We are fighting in the time of the “in-between.” That is, between our Lord Jesus’ first and second coming. As we are in this in-between time, we are soldiers fighting the fight of faith, a spiritual battle for the souls of men and women. Any weapon of man cannot win this battle, but only through God given weapons bestowed upon us. They are fashioned by God Himself to be wielded by His people. These weapons, from a spiritual standpoint, are weapons of mass destruction. Weapons such as prayer, fasting, the name of Christ, and the Word of God have the power to transform lives on a massive scale. They can do what we cannot do in our flesh. When words, actions, and political movements fail, the Spirit succeeds. The Spirit of God can go where we cannot go, do what we cannot do, and transform what we cannot transform.

The problem is, we don’t know how to use these weapons properly. What would our world look like if we were to use them the way our Lord intended? How many people would be saved? How many hungry would be fed? How many sick would be healed? How many marriages would be transformed? How much would our world change? How much glory would God receive? Lives would be transformed, governments would fall, dictators silenced, genocides would end and God would receive all of the glory. That’s the kind of God we have, the God who delights in doing the impossible. God has given us these weapons to use, but we don’t. May God forgive us for fighting spiritual battles with fleshly weapons! May God forgive us for not trusting in the power of prayer! May we dare to believe and use what He has given us in His Word. And may He receive praise because of it. Amen.


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